Diet to fight fibroids – Saints and sinners of uterine fibroids

Diet to fight fibroids – Saints and sinners of uterine fibroids

Your diet can do wonders for shrinking your uterine fibroids. That’s why knowing the foods that will help shrink your tumor and the foods that will aggravate it is essential to following a fibroid-fighting diet.

A diet to combat fibroids will help you eliminate toxins from your body and will contribute to the reduction in the size of the uterine fibroid. The dishes served to your table each day can make a big difference in your health. Knowing which foods can help you and which can make your problem worse is essential. Let’s break down these different types of foods that are typically eaten every day and classify them as fibroid saints or sinners.

Uterine fibroid saints

These foods are particularly helpful for the body when you have fibroids:

* Foods rich in fiber.

Fiber helps remove estrogen from the body. Since estrogen is considered one of the causes of uterine fibroids, it is important to eat beans, cereals, pineapples, avocado, carrots, peas and green leafy vegetables to keep the estrogen level balanced.

* “Whole-grain foods.

A diet to fight fibroids should consist of whole grains, nuts and seeds. Whole foods rich in lignin (chemical compounds from wood) have anti-estrogenic properties. Rye, flaxseed, oats, wheat, corn, rice and millet are foods rich in lignin.


Iron-rich foods can prevent anemia when heavy bleeding occurs due to uterine fibroids. Beans, molasses, pumpkin, and bitter gourd are rich sources of iron. Iron must be combined with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to increase its absorption, so eat citrus fruits too!

* Water.

Water flushes out impurities from the body and can also decrease pain related to uterine fibroids.

* Bioflavonoids.

Bioflavonoids are low-potency estrogen substances that are safe to eat when you have fibroids. Foods rich in bioflavonoids include tofu, kidney beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, soybeans, and soymilk.

Uterine fibroid sinners

If there are saints, there are also sinners. To maintain a diet that fights fibroids, the following food groups should be avoided:

* Proestrogenic foods.

As mentioned, estrogen is one of the causes of uterine fibroids. It is important to avoid foods that favor its proliferation. Foods that have been produced with growth hormones or with the use of pesticides may have estrogen-mimicking properties.

* Meat.

Meat can intensify fibroid symptoms, such as abdominal pain and bleeding. Beef, pork, and lamb should be eaten strictly in very small portions.

* Coffee.

Maybe cutting out a morning cup of coffee can save you the pain thereafter. Coffee, even decaffeinated, has phytoestrogens (natural estrogens), so it should be excluded from the diet.

Fighting fibroids takes time, effort and discipline. Now that these foods are on the table, it’s your choice to choose them. Remember, the perfect start to a fibroid-fighting diet starts with the choices you make every day.

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