One segment of the probiotics market catapults sales faster than all others

One segment of the probiotics market catapults sales faster than all others

Most supplement companies have yet to capitalize on the growth trend of probiotics for weight management. Innova Market Insights found that only 5.7% of probiotic launches involve this market segment.

This article explains the simple steps companies can take to take advantage of this opportunity.


Getting unsolicited feedback from consumers is a good place to start. It is an excellent source of persuasive social proof.

In addition, personal stories of successful weight management also trigger key emotional points. The most effective emotion behind weight management marketing is hope.

Kate Harveston’s story is a good example of how social proof and hope go together. She is a huge online influencer in women’s health. In her article on probiotics, which appears in Girls’ Globe, she states:

“Since I’ve started taking probiotics, I’ve realized that it’s actually easier for me to maintain a healthy weight. At first, the connection was unclear and seemed especially strange, as they had cleared up my stomach issues and therefore I was back. back to eating more. But I started to do some research, and there is actually some kind of connection between metabolism and probiotics.”

Check the ‘social proof’ and ‘hope’ boxes at the same time.

Using stories like yours is a great strategy for delivering marketing to consumers.

Feedback from customers who don’t have an influential blog also adds up.

The following are typical examples of probiotic product reviews on Amazon. They also work by combining social proof and hope.

“This probiotic literally changed my life in a month! I will definitely buy it again and again! Oh yeah! Also, after 2 years of trying to lose the extra 20 pounds I gained, I lost 15 in the first month and this is literally the best. The ONLY thing I did different!”

“I read the reviews on Amazon and decided to give it a try. I’ve lost 3.6 lbs in the last 10 days!”

“I love this probiotic, it has definitely been working in conjunction with healthy eating and daily exercise. I have lost 7lbs in 2 weeks. I take one capsule a day every morning.
Not only did it balance my ph levels, but I lost about 8 pounds. since I started it 6 weeks ago. It’s a win-win.”

This is Storytelling 101 for Marketing. Stories grab people’s attention. It allows them to imagine being in someone else’s shoes. In this case, the ‘someone’s’ are those who have already benefited from the use of probiotics for weight management.


My experience researching and writing about probiotics over the past 15 years reveals another critical dimension to marketing a healthy microbiome.

It is the extensive body of scientific research behind what probiotics can do. Published research lends credence to every e-book, white paper, special report, and blog article I’ve ever written.

Citing scientific studies lends another principle to persuasive marketing. I learned this from my old colleague, Dr. Robert Cialdini.

It is number 3 on his list of six principles: authority.

People who are authoritative, credible, and well-informed experts in their fields are more influential and persuasive than those who are not.

When it comes to weight management, research on probiotics is new. It’s almost new compared to all the published work on gut and immune health.

However, those few early studies on the use of probiotics for weight management are already a valuable component in lending credence to personal stories.


The key to marketing probiotics for weight management begins with harnessing the power of consumer feedback to implement social proof and provide hope.

The icing on the cake is building authority at the same time.

The application of these strategies for the commercialization of probiotics for weight control can be executed in three phases.

1) First, segment your list.

You already have a list of subscribers. It certainly includes a segment interested in weight control.

Your first phase is to find out who is in that segment. Surveys and questionnaires are access strategies. Increase survey response rates by offering incentives like special reports and discount coupons.

2) Second, establish your customer’s trust.

Trust is a basic component of marketing. Remain in both social proof and authority.

How you build trust depends on how well you communicate with your customer base. This is the role of a customer appreciation strategy. Personalized emails play an important role in showing how much you value your customers.

Acknowledgments, thank-you notes, and even phone calls round out an effective overall strategy for building trust.

3) Third, cross selling to open the new market.

Their customer base is perfectly set up to market probiotics in a new vein. In this case, it is about weight control.

You already have the attention of your customers. They are happy with your company. They will listen to your persuasive cross-selling pitch for a new app and/or new product.

Cross-selling to regular customers gives you an opportunity to educate them on something new. And it gives them the option to purchase a health solution that they were otherwise unaware of.

Effective application of these three phases is the key to taking advantage of the rapidly growing opportunity in the marketing of probiotics for weight management.


Segmenting your list, establishing a customer appreciation program, and creating persuasive emails require new marketing copy.

That’s where I come in.

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