When was the last time you touched yourself?  (And 19 other random questions!)

When was the last time you touched yourself? (And 19 other random questions!)

Wait now, don’t go crazy with me…

When I say “touched”, I mean that you experienced something that moved his spirit.

I recently wrote about asking better questions and getting better answers. So, I began to personally reflect on the questions I’ve been asking myself lately. I seem to have allowed my recent self-talk to creep in with some serious noise and distraction. Really! I totally know better!

It reminded me of something I heard from one of my mentors, John Maxwell: “I strive to live up to my teaching.”

Wow… Even one of the leading experts in the field of leadership and personal development struggles when it comes to living with purpose!

You can imagine? And I thought that guy had it ALL figured out. Turns out none of us really do. But we are working on it… and the key is to give your best. The best way to get back on track after losing your way is to commit to getting back on track. Hey!

Have you ever consciously sat down with yourself and said “Hi, Me. I’d like to ask you a few questions”?

Without going crazy on you, this is an exercise that will have a profound impact on your psychology and how you present yourself to the world from this day forward. I want you to fully commit to doing it. It will require some quiet time, some introspection, and a willingness to be completely honest with yourself. No sugar coating none of that.

95% of the people who read this post will say, “That’s good…sounds like an interesting exercise.” And then they will move on to something a little more trivial and ultimately useless to their future growth.

Be among the 5% who say, “I need these answers. I’m going to do this. It’s time to get serious about my personal success!”

You can use some of my questions or you can come up with 20 questions of your own. Once you have the questions down, it’s time to get to work on the answers. You don’t have to do it all in one place. Just do it.

And remember, create good questions, not useless questions.

Consider this… Does it help you to have an answer to a worthless question? (My survey says “NO”. So stop asking useless questions.)

Here are my 20 questions to yourself… (I’ll include my answers in future posts):

1) When was the last time you did something for yourself that moved your spirit to tears? (Yes, which means touching yourself).

2) What can I do today to move into a state of higher awareness?

3) What clothes do you need to change, or what answers would you need to hear to stop living from your old stories?

4) When was the last time you invested in YOU?

5) If you had your act totally in order, what would that look like?

6) What would a person who is fully present, who has what I want, need to believe for this to happen on their terms?

7) What is my greatest good?

8) What can I do and sell a million?

9) What are you doing today to challenge yourself to overcome undesirable circumstances?

10) Who am I in the big picture of everything?

11) What is the one bottleneck in your world that, if removed, would have the biggest impact on you?

12) If it wasn’t impossible, what would be my next step?

13) How can I more effectively communicate my desire to “express” rather than “impress”?

14) What are the actions I am willing to take today, to do my part, to feel good about my efforts, regardless of the outcome?

15) What actions can I take today to express joy, optimism and enthusiasm? (What I call JOE)

16) What can I do today to ensure that the most important things remain a strong and urgent priority?

17) Are your motives and efforts aligned with your abilities, talents, and things you say you want from life?

18) In what areas of my life do I need to mark my passion and renew my commitments?

19) What habits or relationships are you finally willing to give up so you can have more of what you really want?

20) What would your life be like if you could see God in everything?

If only I could reach across the screen, look you in the eye, give you a big hug and say, “Let’s work on this,” I totally would.

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