Colin Kaepernick AD of Nike: A "EVEN" It’s worth billions!

Nike believed in something and sacrificed nothing Well, it’s safe to say that the last 15 days have been quite hectic for major sportswear brands Nike. Unless you’re returning to civilization, you must have heard of an American controversy involving Colin Kaepernick and Nike’s “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.” This is

Freelancers: How to Make More Money from the Clients You Already Have

Upselling is a skill that most freelancers don’t use enough. What exactly is upselling? Simply put, selling another product, usually closely related, to a customer after you’ve made an initial sale. For example, if you complete a brochure for a client, you can suggest that they add it to your website, in the form of

Countertops 101: Basics for Choosing a Material for Kitchen Countertops

For many, their kitchen is the most important room in their home. And most real estate experts agree that the best way to improve or increase the property value of a home is to remodel the kitchen. The four main components of a kitchen remodel generally involve replacing major appliances, installing new flooring, replacing or

Valuable routine checklist for your bearded dragon care sheet

For the proper care of your reptiles, you can follow a daily, weekly, monthly, bi-annual and yearly routine schedule. The following is a bearded dragon care sheet, which lists the essential functions to keep your dragons happy and healthy. Daily: • Feed your lizard and replace the water bowl with fresh water • Remove the

But won’t eating chicken and fish lower my cholesterol?

Most people and many health experts believe that cholesterol will be lowered by substituting chicken, turkey, and fish for red meat. So instead of eating steak and potatoes for dinner, they switch their meal plan to chicken and potatoes. Instead of having a roast beef sandwich, they eat a turkey sandwich. Instead of eating a

Portable Business Lawyers: 10 Factors to Consider Before Making a Lateral Move

Here are 10 factors to consider before a portable business attorney makes a lateral move to a law firm. This should serve as a guide for your decision-making process as there are so many moving parts in such motion and I cannot cover the whole ground. 1. Law firm environment: Never underestimate the importance of

Betrayal and estrangement between siblings in dysfunctional families

Recently, I found myself sitting with a patient Elsa, crying uncontrollably in my office. It turns out that his sister had stolen his inheritance. However, it was not the loss of money that was devastating her; it was the shocking betrayal of his only brother. Elsa’s sister Joyce had gotten her dying mother to change