Porn addiction: 7 ways to stay addicted

Recovery of porn addiction it is a simple but difficult process. The suggested principles and directions are not rocket science, but they can be difficult to maintain. Unlike other chemical addictions, sex is something you wear between your ears. At any moment, the sex or porn addict can get a little high just by indulging in fantasy. With such easy availability and endless supply, it’s no wonder porn addicts struggle with sobriety. The bottom line is that the porn addict must be willing to do whatever it takes to stay sober and stay sober. He or she can follow a process that works, or they can do one of these top seven things to stay addicted.

1. Don’t take the risk of being honest– You will not be too vulnerable and you will not be sober either. Our addictions grow in the dark, so keep your secrets and keep your porn.

two. Attend 12-Step Meetings Only When It’s Convenient. You are a busy person and it can be very difficult to juggle family, work, and recovery. Keep your meetings a low priority and keep taking action.

3. Find a counselor who won’t hold you accountable – A good counselor who understands this problem will prompt you to do the things you need to do to stay sober. They will hold you accountable. That can be awkward and uncomfortable. Stick with a counselor who knows less about porn addiction than you do and stick with your addiction.

Four. Masturbation– You can tell yourself it’s okay to masturbate as long as you don’t use porn, just like the alcoholic can have a glass of wine with dinner, the gambling addict can still play cards, and the heroin addict can fix it now. and later. It is what we call fantasy. Jerk off early sober and get back to your porn faster.

5. Don’t get a 12-step sponsor – Asking someone to be your sponsor feels pretty weird, calling them is awkward and drinking coffee and talking is even weirder. Sponsorship is a good idea that will come soon. Take your time and find the right person. Eventually you will find the right sponsor or maybe just take action again.

6. Don’t get an internet filter– Take your time with this one. Set passwords later, when you get the chance. Just don’t go to porn sites for now. An internet filter or block makes it much more difficult to access porn and you don’t really need all that support. Make sure to save your smartphone too.

7. Neglecting good personal care– Now is the time to work as many hours as you can, stay up late working or watching TV, or just eating whatever seems good to you. Exercise is optional. Light the candle and watch your sexual sobriety fade.

That is the list. Top Seven Ways You Can Stay Addicted To Porn. It’s your choice. Choose wisely.

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